
Women are Relational, Resilient, and Romantic. 

How, then, do we stay the course when the dysfunction of life, family and relationships disappoint us?  A fresh viewpoint, attitude adjustment or perhaps a reboot is required when our boundaries are blurred, honor or trust has evaporated or our faith has faltered.  We must realize our purpose, stay the course, and hold fast so that no one takes our crown because our journey is made up of Things That Matter.

Things That Matter . . . contemporary subjects for contemporary women . . . reflects Linda’s free style of writing along with her gift of encouragement and grace empowering women to live the life God has beautifully designed for them.  

Women are often robbed of experiencing the fullness of life as they struggle with life’s most intense issues because they may not have the skills needed to guide them toward a successful resolve.  Things That Matter a collection of personal stories interlaced with the most commonly experienced issues concerning the women Linda has mentored.  Her chapters thrash out Mother-Daughter relationships as well as those of Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law, Abuse, Boundaries, the Color of Perception, Divorce, the Loss of a Child, pushing through Fear, developing Faith, the Courage to be vulnerable, and more.

Learn more about her book here.

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