What’s Your “Comfort Zone?”

   Francis Frangipane, Christian evangelical minister and author, made a statement that's worth pondering – he boldly declared that not only is the Gospel the Good News of God’s salvation from the power of evil and the establishment of His eternal kingdom, but of His final victory over everything which defies His purpose. 

We all rejoice and praise God for saving our souls and freeing us from the power of sin – and, we look forward to living with Him eternally.  But, what would some things look like that defies His purpose?   The dictionary defines “defy” as to resist – disregard – treat with contempt.  Strong words!  While it’s not a commonly held belief that a follower of Christ intentionally wants to defy God’s purpose, we subconsciously may lean in that direction when it comes to exiting our comfort zone.   

Wikipedia defines comfort zone as a behavioral state within which a person operates. 

“What’s my point?”   

Breaking News – we’re living in wicked and vitriolic times – times where we must step out of our comfort zones.  Specifically, comfort zones witnessed every day, i.e., keeping and maintaining company with those of like-ethnicity and/or like-faith.  This ought not to be! 

Could either of these be defined as resisting God’s purposes?   Hmmm!  Whether done out of fear, out of what we were taught or saw modeled, or out of choice, following the path of least resistance prevents forward motion – the easy way – the comfortable way – the broad way – the wide way. 

The reality is, because of the fall, every square inch of our femaleness (or maleness) is infected with self and possesses a strong affection for our comfort zones.  There’s nowhere in scripture where God called us to be comfortable.  He called us to love and to grow.  Someone once said: 

“Where there is comfort, there is no growth. 

Where there is no growth, there is little comfort.” 

Consequently, we alienate ourselves from God and the rest of His creation – by doing so, people suffer pain, confusion, and isolation.  Especially, as Christians, we must protect and respect each other and not get lost in our own passions – no matter what our ethnicity – no matter what our faith – or, no faith! 

Defy your comfort zone and grow!  Exercise your human heart! 

Invite those to join you that are different from you!

“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise,

making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”

Ephesians 5:15-16 - NIV


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