For Such a Time as This . . .

A portrait of Grace, Courage, and Excellence!  Authored by Ann Platz for those who desire to EMBRACE their role as women, as wives, and mothers – who recognize and believe their beauty comes from knowing WHO they are and WHOSE they are. 

While the O.T. book of Esther ought to be read, re-read and studied, I strongly recommend Ann’s book for those who wish to sign up for Esther’s “Finishing School”, as well as for those who mentor and those who are being mentored.  Wherever you are on your journey – married or unmarried,  employed or unemployed, moved up or moved down or retired, God has placed you where you are for an exclusive purpose . . . “for such a time as this.”

“We must not allow the voices of the world to set the agenda for this decade, nor must we allow those voices to teach women how to be women.”  Susan Hunt


The “Title” vs. The “Towel” . . .


Forgive and Begin Again . . .