Forgive and Begin Again . . .

Beginning with Unfinished Business won’t bring a New Beginning!  

Think back . . . if it wasn’t a blessing, then it was a lesson.  Did you miss it?  You have a chance to re-visit it now by forgiving and smoothing out any relationship issues or taking back grudges you’ve held.  Forgiveness is a decision that begins with the first “yes” step.   Feelings aren’t involved, but willingness is and that’s where the word “process” comes into play.   We don’t much like the word “process” because it means time is involved.  We’ve been hurt and our feelings are in total command.  We want our breakthrough now – a “drive-thru” one! 

Forgiveness is not an emotion, even though emotions will be involved following a “yes” decision to forgive.  Once you forgive, the process begins . . . you’ll slowly begin to feel the burden lift, the mental torment will slow down and is ultimately replaced by peace.  The proof of the pudding is revealed when you see, think about, or engage in conversation again with the person in question . . . the sting will be gone!  If it’s still there, then remind the enemy of your soul (every day if you have to) that you have forgiven them.  Certainly, he wants to keep the mania going and keep you from beginning again

Our emotions are fickle and easily change with a cross look, the temperature, loss of a job or relationship, unmet expectations placed on another, a broken promise, or being unappreciated or unnoticed after a job well done. If you wait until you feel like forgiving someone, you’ll grow ugly green moss – your feelings become the warden and you’re held captive by them. 

Pastor Tony Evans said, “Why do you grant someone forgiveness who doesn’t want it, ask for it or even know that you are giving it?   Because you need to give it to move forward.  It’s for you!  Let it go.”  Like Nike – just “do it” – go all the way there . . . from your heart – See Matthew 18:31.

I’m reminded of a time I sought counseling from my pastor.  He asked me something very interesting, yet wise, that literally changed my life . . . he asked me if there was anyone in my life that I had not forgiven.  That got my attention!  He said that I could make no progress or receive clear direction from the Lord if I held unforgiveness in my heart!  Hmmn!  I hadn’t thought about it in that manner.   Because I knew I needed the Lord’s insight and guidance, I quieted myself and asked Him if there was anyone I needed to forgive.  He wasted no time and brought, not one, but three people to my mind . . . He nailed me!   Right then and there, by an act of my will, I forgave those three people.  One of them was Mother!  I was shocked!  I wasn’t even aware that I had unforgiveness in my heart toward her.  Even though she lived 700 miles away, the distance meant nothing as the dark spiritual cord severed that held me captive to daunting issues in my childhood.   I didn’t need to go to her, or call her to tell her I forgave her . . . I just forgave her!  And the most beautiful thing happened . . . our relationship did a 180!

Each of us has made poor choices that leave us vulnerable.  It’s difficult to understand that sometimes people deviate from what is considered normal and acceptable social behavior.  We’re all flawed and doing our best from our current state of awareness.  Whatever the situation may be, we must keep the door of reconciliation open even up to the last second – that’s what God does for us!  Apply this powerful heart-action and it will literally cut the cords of spiritual darkness in the spiritual world itself and set you free – your break-through will be experienced. 

We’re on a journey here!  Give others room to grow on their journey.  How does any journey begin? 

With a “yes” step.  You don’t have to see the entire staircase to take the first step to freedom and peace.

You’ll be invincible against the enemy of your soul . . .


For Such a Time as This . . .


The Rhythm of the Manger…