It’s Not Over . . .

 It’s not over – unless you abort!  Strong words! 

The choice falls on each of us by taking personal responsibility, taking ownership of how, or if, we cooperate with God by allowing Him to prepare, coach, and mold us.  This process is the secret for going to the next level with the King of Kings.

Our fleshly addiction to instant and immediate gratification doesn’t generate a need for our Father God to give us His best, i.e., His character in us.  It’s arduous for our flesh to release control – to “let go” because of our “drive-through” mentality.

Remembering that there’s a rhythm while on the Potter’s Wheel doesn”t come naturally.  However, as long as we remember we are in His creative hands,  we can more easily allow ourselves to flow, not only with the rhythm of the wheel, but the process of surrendering to His purpose of taking our clay vessel while it’s still pliable, remolding it into any shape He desires because His  purpose is exact.  He’s the Potter – we are not!  (Jeremiah 18:4-6) The process of preparation to conforming us into the image of His dear Son (Romans 8:29), a/k/a “transforming”, comes in the very midst of trials and despair, as well as in the wilderness. He doesn’t tell us the length of our personal trial or how long we’ll be planted in the wilderness, but, He coaches us to trust Him – He has our back.   The molding and/or re-molding process in order to transform us can be excruciatingly painful, however this “prep” time is necessary to expose our deeper need to know Him and eventually go to the next level wth Him.

Do we want to grow?  Do we want to learn?  Do we want to become unstuck?  Do we want to be made well?  Do we want to get out of our self-made, comfortable box?  He’s not in a box and He didn’t create us to be in one either.   He’s all about producing fruit that is like His character and this happens when we are going through His process of skimming off the impurities.  May our thoughts and hearts be desperate for more of Him – desperate people do not get denied by our Lord.

Our responses and choices during these times define our attitude about how we will handle the situations that we wouldn’t have dared to script into our lives, but God would script them out of His love for us because He sees what we can become.

It’s not so much the uncontrollable or unexpected situation, but more about our response to it. When we come up for air, after throwing a mental tantrum, our response to our difficult situation is to learn from the experience and not abort, give up, or stop in midstream, getting stuck.  

We are faced to be honest with ourselves and God. Are we able to do that?  Is our heart hungry versus passive?  When we’re hungry for knowing the truth, liberation follows. It sometimes can be more important than our next breath.

Jesus said, No procrastination – No backward looks.  You can’t put God’s Kingdom off ‘till tomorrow.  Seize the Day.  Luke 9:62 – The Message Bible.


Need A Little Drink of Jesus?


The Rhythm of Babylon . . .