Need A Little Drink of Jesus?

The year 2012 is ready to chime off at midnight – forever gone, never to return, kiss it goodbye.  Except for the fact we’re growing older, we’re glad to have a new start, traditionally speaking, as we make a resolution or two or three or more  (AGAIN)…from losing weight to getting out of debt.  Statistics say that 38% will not make any resolutions, leaving a majority of us who will, even though we may not have kept last year’s.  So what makes us think we’ll do better this year?  The flesh and spirit are always at war, as Paul states in Romans 7:18-20.  Can we relate?  It could simply boil down to a root problem of struggling, stressing, being worn out on religion, and sin-consciousness verses believing and living in the unforced rhythms of His Grace.

Wonder what kind of resolution(s) the “Woman at the Well” made – if any?   Her lifestyle reveals how sorely disappointed she was in her five attempts to find the one the one who would love her unconditionally, bring her security, happiness, joy, completion.  Her hope obviously ran out as she settled for less than status quo with the sixth man, all the while asking herself “Is this all there is?” Until she met the seventh Man – the number of completion – her thirst was quickly quenched and she and a whole town broke from their religiosity and found a relationship with Jesus – absolute satisfaction – real completion – true conversion.

In The Chanticleer’s song, “Jesus Met the Woman at the Well”, Jesus says, Behold; I freely give the Living Water… 

Well, why don’t you come on to the Well?

If you’re thirsty, come to the Well.

If you’re hungry, come to the Well.

You may be lonely, but come to the Well.

You may be weak…you may be weary…you may be tired, but come on to the Well.

You might be loved, but still come on to the Well.

If you need Joy…if you need Peace…if you need Comfort…come on to the Well.

If you need to be washed out – rinsed out – dried out –

if you’re all stressed out – come to the Well.

You may be sick in your body, but come to the Well.

You may be suffering from an incurable disease, but come to the Well.

You may be troubled in your mind…you may be emotionally disturbed

you may feel like you’re going down for the last time, but come to the Well.

Come just as you are…come with all your burdens…come with all your sorrows…come with all your tears…

come with all your shame…come with all your habits…

come with all your secrets…come with all your embarrassments.

Jesus is waiting at the Well.

He’s waiting to heal you – help you – waiting to pick you up – waiting to hold you up.

You may be in a bad relationship, but come to the Well.

You might have no friends – you may be forsaken and alone, but come to the Well.

Come runnin’…come walkin’…you might have to come crawlin’…but, come on to the Well.

Come on – Come on – Come on and take a drink of The Living Water and you’ll never,

No – never, thirst no more.


Thirsty?  Stoop down and drink and live!  May this be our resolution for the year 2013.


Do what He tells you…


It’s Not Over . . .