The Transformed Woman

God transforms caterpillars into butterflies . . . sand into pearls . . . and, coal into diamonds. Using time and pressure, He is lovingly and graciously transforming you! In time, if you trust Him, you will emerge from your cocoon totally transformed.

Strength and Dignity are her clothing . . . and, she smiles without fear of the future.
— Proverbs 31:25

Yet, many spiritually transformed women are struggling to discover their purpose . . . or asking, “God, what is Your will for my life?” Too often, we complicate what is not complicated! Maybe this has been a question you have often asked too. Well, you’re not alone!

A spiritually transformed woman means you belong to the Lord Jesus and are no longer referred to as God’s creation, but as a daughter of your Father God. When you realize and accept this phenomenal relationship as real, you learn that you have a purpose and that your life matters . . . it was ordained . . . and, further, He equipped you to live it to the fullest by imparting to you gifts and talents which you are to use for Him and to bless others.

Believe and accept that God has made you uniquely YOU . . . there’s not a copy or a knockoff of you anywhere else on the globe. When He fashioned you, He preset precise gifts and talents into your DNA completely customized to suit you.

So, let’s assume you have asked Him to define your purpose or His will. More than likely (listen closely), He will ask you what you love doing . . . what is your passion . . . what interests you above all other things . . . what excites you more than anything else . . . what gives you pleasure? Cooking . . . painting . . . encouraging others . . . decorating . . . teaching . . . working with flowers or numbers . . . or, something of service to others?

Whatever your uniqueness is, it’s been hidden in your heart all along because He planted it there, it just needs to get from your head into your heart where you believe it and carry it out! It’s not complex.

To that point, your Father wasn’t uneasy or doubtful when He imparted His gift(s) to you. In turn, you also ought not to be uneasy, timid, or doubtful in expressing those gifts. Keep in mind that your gift/talent is not about perfection, or performance, or comparison, or even competition. It’s YOUR gift . . . it’s YOUR talent . . . it’s YOUR purpose . . . not someone else’s! He will never give you a gift/talent you don’t like.

Too often, we don’t realize that we are here for Him . . . we look around us and the world appears to be falling apart, nevertheless, we are to be His Hands and Feet, and His Hugs and His Words to those who are hurting and/or perishing.

Acknowledge what you are passionate about . . . prayerfully and confidently take it on and freely do it with all your heart without restrictions or excuses simply because that’s what He wants you to do for Him and you’ll experience His pleasure and yours, as well.

Now, go and change your world!


“Helpmeet” . . . or, “Subordinate” 


What Is A Woman . . . of Noble Character?