Do what He tells you…

We’ve begun a new year.  We’ve made our resolutions.  Some have even prepared their day-timers for the month, or year, well in advance. Thankfully, God directs/determines our steps – Proverbs 16:9.  In fact, He goes ahead of us, yet has our back – Deuteronomy 31:8.  He is the Alpha and the Omega — the first word and the last word in our life — Isaiah 41:4.  Our Omnipresent God is at the beginning and the end and in between all at the same time because He is outside of time, yet He compresses time.  He has no clock.  We do!  Therefore, we must ask “How am I using my time?” Are there time-stealers in my life?”  It’s been said, “Life is like a coin: you can spend it only once.” 

  •           Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom — Psalm 90:12.

  •           For everything there is a season, and a time for every activity under heaven — Eccl.3:1.

As contemporaries, we often find ourselves on the treadmill – on the clock, as it were – moving, but going nowhere fast while squeezing our agenda into a 24/7 time slot.  When we realize that our day is out of sync we can’t back up – what’s done is done – what’s spent is spent. 

We can, however, recalibrate if we find we haven’t heeded His whispers, His nudging, and/or His leadership. Peeling off those things that make unreasonable demands of our time or that sap our oomph is essential!  Song of Solomon 2:15 clearly speaks of the little foxes that spoil the vine – stealing the sap of life – ruining the blossoms before the grapes can ever begin to grow.  

We’ve all been endowed with gifts and talents.  Some grope their way through the fog that life can bring never realizing they can penetrate the fog and bask in the light that allows them to follow their dream and/or passion. 

What are your gifts?  What are your talents and strengths?  What is your passion? What motivates you?   God has sown them into you for a purpose — for His purpose.

For example, if you walk into any business, corporation, or ministry, you will see their purpose statement posted — short and to the point.  While the clock keeps on ticking, prayerfully consider writing a purpose statement for you — even if you have to stop the clock.   Sit down and quiet yourself!  Prayerfully and boldly take an internal inventory of the gifts and talents within you, highly seasoned with zeal and a “knowing in your knower”; you will begin to understand or realize your passion and/or purpose.   I would suggest that your passion and your gifts will significantly play into your purpose, going hand in hand like goodness and mercy. 

When you have written out your purpose statement — draw a circle around it and stick to it by setting the trap.  Only you can say “No” to  prevent the foxes and time-stealers from the fruit whose purpose is to grow, blossom, and ripen.  Ripened fruit provides luscious life to others.  Our purpose or call isn’t for us — it’s to bless others.  He smiles on you as you recognize what He has told you to do.  The harvest will soon be ready as you yield — the Holy Spirit and His creativity are released and set in motion.  It may be a specific profession, writing a book or a blog, home-schooling, finishing or going back to school, starting a new career, entering the ministry, community volunteering, and so forth.  Fear not — He will lead you and doors will open.

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 – Fear God [Reverence, Respect, a Holy Dread of Displeasing Him].  Do what He tells you to do.  This is the whole duty of man.  Eventually, God will bring everything that we do out into the open and judge it according to its hidden intent, whether it’s good or evil — The Message Bible

 “If a man knows not what harbor he seeks, any wind is the right wind.”

Lucius Annaeus Seneca


We Then Shall Live . . .


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