What Is A Woman?

An Adult Human Female.
— Matt Walsh

In March 2022, a simple question rocked the world in a matter of moments! After hours of questioning, during her confirmation hearing, Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson was asked by Senator Marsha Blackburn . . . “What is a woman?” Ms. Jackson appeared confused, but carefully replied, “I’m not a biologist!”  Her response sent shock waves throughout the media for days and remains the topic of many documentaries and podcasts even today. 

Commenting on Ms. Jackson’s remarks was an even more shocking statement published in USA TODAY* . . . “Experts say Jackson's answer was scientifically sound and that there is no sufficient way to clearly define what makes someone a woman.”  Seriously?  So, who are these experts?  Her answer was scientifically sound?  Really? Ms. Jackson’s answer, though careful and flawless, strongly implied she wasn’t qualified to answer that question, yet she is to interpret our constitution as a Supreme Court Justice? It’s at this point an intelligent mind (or even from a common sense perspective), finds Ms. Jackson’s obvious response as troubling, implying the “Trans” issue is more than just percolating.

Someone once said that if we wait long enough science will catch up with the Bible.

Humor me . . . I’m from the old school; I believe in God and His creation and His design for procreation, i.e., a man and a woman . . . male and female.  After everything God made, He rested because He was finished and said, “It’s Good!” . . . except one thing was not!  He saw that out of all the swarms of living creatures He had created, each creature had a counterpart, but man did not!  God formed man from the particles of the earth and to prevent him from living in a relational vacuum, God took a filet from Adam and fashioned a women!  And, VOILA . . . a counterpart . . . that’s how we all got here!  You may laugh, but it’s that simple! It’s not complicated! Genesis, Chapter Two.

Debates and dialogues have continued over the years regarding the creation account of man and woman.  Nevertheless, it’s understood that it takes two genders to reproduce . . . to procreate.   A man may emotionally “feel” like a woman, but he will never be a woman and give birth . . . a woman may “feel” like a man, but she will never be one or provide sperm.  “Being male and female is a developmental process which cannot go backwards.”** The essence of nature cannot be changed!

God loves us all and created us spiritually in His image with feelings (emotions) as part of our soul. However, “feelings” can and do change with the wind, but fundamentally, our gender does not.  God longs for us to know and embrace who we are . . . our purpose . . . our reason for being . . . which we will never fully understand until we become united with Him.

Sadly, when writing about “gender” facts, social media and others are quick to condemn the information as hate speech.  Science is simply a system that describes and explains natural phenomena. Hate is a despised emotion usually felt toward an enemy.  Science and hate are not related, but in this instance appear to be adversaries.

Women, yes, you are adult human females . . . who are beautifully and wonderfully made! Be the women the Lord has made you to be! In fact, love being those women! Stand strong! Take courage! In a world where courage can often skip a generation, we must not let it be ours!

Let’s change history together!


* USA TODAY, Alia E. Dastagir, published March 24, 2022; updated March 27, 2022.

** Quote from a molecular geneticist during a debate at Berkeley University.


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